Thursday, August 22, 2013

Wat Lao in Fresno CA community event

+Toby Keoboupha +Toni Chantharangma +Cyrus Oupathame +Anogsack Khampraseuth +Anourack Khampraseuth +David Kevin Manyvanh 

Thank you for all of your support as we continue to maintain and grow our Lao Community Center at Lao Dhamma Sacca Temple at 2710 S. Fruit Ave Fresno CA 93706.  (559)268.6354.

Every month there is an event or Boun "making merit"  for more current activities please check out our facebook

We are always seeking more volunteers to get involve and help us to improve and maintain our service.

For the year 2013 Next Generation team was form to attract more people into the temple.  Each month during the Boun they have hosted various event such as, "the biggest grilled sticky rice in February, 2013 New Year cutie pageant and talent show in April, Water Fest in June, Summer Fest in July.

Upcoming up next for the month of September 2013
9/1/13 Next Gen is meeting at 3 p.m. 559.367.2970

Bhaw khao padap din (Day of respecting the dead) is on Sunday 9/08/2013 (559) 268.6354